Finding, articulating and amplifying your value

Nov 2, 2023Marketing

So what’s a Value Proposition?

A value proposition refers to the value a business promises to deliver to customers.

A value proposition is also a declaration of intent or a statement that introduces your brand to consumers by telling them what your business stands for, how it operates, and why it deserves their business.

Another common term for this is your elevator pitch – essentially how you would describe to someone what you do in the time it would take to ride up or down in an elevator.

It’s important for us as individuals as well as businesses to know your value.

A value proposition should:

  • Describe who you are and what you do
  • Clearly explain how your product and/or service fills their need
  • State the reason why it’s better than similar products or services
  • Communicate the specifics of your added benefit and differentiators
  • Why they should come to your clinic

You should believe deeply in the value that you offer customers. Your value proposition should be clear and concise, and you should be passionate about it and confident in delivering it – to anyone and everyone.

Which bring me to the next point – Your value proposition should be able to be used in both business and personal situations. The words, you speak, and that or your team will allow you to personally amplify your value and turn any occasion – social or professional – into a new opportunity telling people who you are and what you do. You are the brand, your staff are an extension of your brand, which I will talk more about shortly.

Now I am not saying to go into ‘sell’ mode here. What this is about is for the people you tell it too, to see your passion, your dedication and your attitude towards what it is you do. People will remember that.

If we stuck you in an elevator could you can confidently, proudly and accurately tell the person standing next to what you do, and do it quickly?

A: Yes
B: No